
Kempsville Lodge No. 196

4869 Princess Anne Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23462

Kempsville Lodge No. 196 - 2018


Worshipful Alton Lee Christopher Anders, Jr.

  • Initiated: 11/23/2010, Passed: 3/1/2011, Raised: 5/3/2011
  • Member, Khedive Shriners: 2011
  • Life Member in Perpetuity, Kempsville Masonic Lodge: 2012
  • Recipient, William Hollowell Pierce Mason of the Year Award: 2016
  • Recipient, James Noah Hillman Award: 2018
  • Recipient, Dr. Seymour Jonas Levy Award: 2018
  • Recipient, Morlock Award: 2018
  • Treasurer: 2019 - present

Lodge Officers

Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
left to right
  1. Bill Nelligar - Treasurer
  2. Mike Denning - Senior Deacon
  3. Scott Sherman - Marshal
  4. Dave Trzeciakiewicz - Junior Warden
  5. Scott Foxwell - Musician
  6. Dickie Cooper - Tiler
  7. Chris Anders - Worshipful Master
  1. Doug Dunn - Junior Steward
  2. Roger Taylor - Senior Warden
  3. Todd Moissett - Senior Steward
  4. John Settle, III - Junior Deacon
  5. Bob Stanek - Secretary
  6. Justin Gray - Chaplain

60 Year Veteran's Presentation - March 3, 2018

Worshipful Chris Jaeger receives his 60 Year Veteran's Award. Presented by Right Worshipful John Geary and escorted to the East by Worshipful Ray Hall and Worshipful Joe Thornton.​

Spring Past Masters Night - April 24, 2018

left to right:
  1. Tommy Haste
  2. Ray Hall
  3. Ralph Ward
  4. Joe Thornton
  5. Ray Connard
  6. Scott Foxwell
  7. Steve Ridgeway
  8. Bill Nelligar
  1. Bill Rawson
  2. Frank Creasy
  3. Jerry Hallal
  4. Bill Knowles
  5. Bill Peterson
  6. Bob Stanek
  7. Greg Muir
  8. George Fausel
  9. Chuck Ryan

Community Builder's Award - July 10, 2018

Worshipful Chris Anders presents Dallas Stamper, Executive Director of the PiN Ministries, with the Grand Lodge Community Builders Award for his dedicated service to our community.

Wreath Laying - September 18, 2018

On September 18th, the Worshipful Master of Virginia Beach Lodge No. 274, Worshipful Brian Cox, along with Worshipful Chris Anders, Brother David Trzeciakiewicz, and Brother Nick Lester participated in a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery.

Fall Past Masters Night - October 23, 2018

left to right:
  1. Tom McGowan
  2. Tommy Haste
  3. Joe Thornton
  4. Ralph Ward
  5. Phil Poffenbarger
  6. Paul Pennybacker
  7. Jerry Hallal
  8. George Fausel
  1. Bill Rawson
  2. Michael Johnstone
  3. Bob Stanek
  4. Michael Scott
  5. Ray Connard
  6. Bill Knowles
  7. Ray Hall

Lodge Of Sorrow

  • Stephen Darrell Bement - 02/05/2018
  • Michael Lee Smith, Sr. - 02/10/2018
  • Winston Edward Marchman - 05/05/2018
  • Donald Lee McBride - 08/06/2018
  • Floyd Morris Gilbert - 08/28/2018
  • Gary Alvin King - 09/06/2018
  • Franklin Mason Gamage - 09/28/2018
  • W∴ Gerald Wilson Nelligar - 10/24/2018
  • Carl Nixon Barber - 12/10/2018

Roster Cover
