Worshipful Gregory Cooling Muir
- Initiated: 4/27/2010, Passed: 8/19/2010, Raised: 10/26/2010
- Life Member in Perpetuity, Kempsville Lodge No. 196: 2010
- Life Member in Perpetuity, Norfolk Valley, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite: 2011
- Member in Perpetuity, National Sojourners: 2011
- Member, Khedive Shrine: 2011
- Affiliated, Union Lodge No. 48, Elkton, MD: 2016
- Recipient, James Noah Hillman Award: 2017
- Recipient, Dr. Seymour Jonas Levy Award: 2017
Lodge Officers
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
left to right
- Ray Baez - Tiler
- Bill Nelligar - Treasurer
- John Settle, III - Junior Deacon
- Chris Anders - Senior Warden
- Dickie Cooper - Marshal
- Dave Trzeciakiewicz - Senior Deacon
- Greg Muir - Worshipful Master
- Mike Denning - Chaplain
- Scott Foxwell - Musician
- Roger Taylor - Junior Warden
- Dennis Eaton - Senior Steward
- Bob Stanek - Secretary
- Todd Moissett - Junior Steward (not shown)
Worshipful Master's Coin
Lake Harriet Lodge Presentation
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Greg Muir
Worshipful Brother Peter Nickitas presenting a Kempsville
Lodge 2017 coin to Worshipful Brother Andrew Arashiba, the
sitting Master of Lake Harriet Lodge No. 277, Minneapolis,
Visitors from Near and Far
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Kempsville Lodge enjoyed fraternal visits from two traveling Masons on
January 17th. Ali Gagan Ozturk, Ugsutun Lodge No. 78, Grand Lodge of
Turkey (left) and Worshipful Fred
Donald Dickson, Jr. (right) of
Howard Lodge No. 101 and Chester Lodge No. 155 (Maryland) as well as an
Honorary member of Oswald of Dunnikier Lodge No. 468, Fife, Grand
Lodge of Scotland. Worshipful Dickson is long-time friend of Worshipful Greg Muir (center).
Father and Son - February 21, 2017

Brothers Louis & Doug Dunn together in Lodge.
Brother Louis Dunn, a 40-year member, was hospitalized during his son, Doug’s, degrees. Finally, Brother Louis
is able to attend, and witnessed Brother Doug returning his Master Mason’s catechism. Also of interest,
Brother Louis Dunn was recommended to Masonry by our own Right Worshipful Bill Pierce and was taught his catechisms by
Right Worshipful George Wallace - two very notable members of our Lodge.
Left to right: Worshipful Greg Muir, Brother Louis Dunn, Brother Doug Dunn, Worshipful Bob Stanek.
Raising Brother Gil Clyburn - February 28, 2017

Gil Clyburn Raising to Master Mason is a “Family Affair”
Left to right: Bonnie Hale, Connie Clyburn, Ray Clyburn, Tammy Clyburn, Lynsey Clyburn, Gil Clyburn,
John Settle, IV, Gail Settle, John Settle, III & Joshua Settle
Photos courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Left to right: John Settle, IV, Worshipful Greg Muir, Ray Clyburn, Gil Clyburn, John Settle, III,
Buddy Newbern, Right Worshipful Steve Ridgeway, Travis Twiford, Ron Filer
Job's Daughters Honor the Masons and Easter Star - March 5, 2017

Job's Daughters honor the Masons and Order of the Eastern Star during their March 2017 meeting.
Spring Past Masters' Night - March 28, 2017
20 Past Masters and Affiliated Past Masters attend the Spring Past Masters' Night.
left to right:
- Tommy Haste - 1970
- Monte Howell - 1978
- Frank Creasy - 1980
- Bill Knowles - 1982
- Tom McGowan - 1983
- Jimmie Wilder - 1986
- Paul Pennybacker - 1988 (Norfolk Lodge No. 1)
- Ray Hall - 1988
- Bob Stanek - 1996
- Don Robinson - 2000
- Phil Poffenbarger - 1998 (Tidal Wave Lodge No. 273)
- Bill Nelligar - 2003
- Roger Cort - 2007
- Ricky West - 1993 (Charles T. Morton Lodge No. 232)
- Bill Rawson - 2010
- Harold Campbell - 2015 (Virginia Beach Lodge No. 274)
- Michael Johnstone - 2011
- Jerry Hallal - 2013
- Steve Ridgeway - 2014
- Scott Foxwell - 2016

The Kempsville Past Masters aligned according to year.
Kitchen Duty at the Lodge Breakfast - April 19, 2017
Photo courtesy of Brother Doug Dunn
The Worshipful Master and Junior Warden making their contribution
to the Lodge Breakfast.
Community Builders Award Presentation - May 9, 2017
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Worshipful Greg Muir presents the Grand Lodge Community Builders Award to
Mrs. Carolyn Ann Engler for her dedication and work with the Girl Scouts of America.
Fraternal Visit to Union Lodge No. 48, Elkton, Maryland - May 16, 2017
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Fraternal Visit to Union Lodge No. 48, Elkton, Maryland, the home of Worshipful
Greg Muir’s maternal grandfather. Worshipful Greg is also a member of Union Lodge.
Left to right: Right Worshipful Wesley Lee (Greg’s cousin), Worshipful Greg Muir,
Brother Frank “Tots” Sheldon (presented his 60-year Masonic Veteran’s emblem by the Grand Master, Greg’s uncle),
Most Worshipful Kostas Vourvoulas - Grand Master of Maryland Masons,
Worshipful Jack Foreaker - Worshipful Master of Union Lodge No. 48.
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Left to right: Brother Roger Taylor, Worshipful Greg Muir, Brother Joe Salt,
Most Worshipful Kostas Vourvoulas Grand Master of Maryland Masons,
Brother Frank Filippone, Worshipful Jack Foreaker Worshipful Master of Union Lodge No. 48,
Worshipful Bob Stanek
Scholarship Presentation
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Worshipful Greg Muir presents scholarships to two worthy recipients at Virginia Beach
Technical and Career Education Center.
August Stated Communication
Photo courtesy of Dave Trzeciakiewicz
Prior to the meeting, Bethel 42 Job's Daughters performed their "Mock Lodge".
Photo courtesy of Dave Trzeciakiewicz
left to right: Worshipful Bob Stanek,
Brother Larry Floyd (South Norfolk Lodge N. 339),
Brother Monk Bolton (Churchland Lodge No. 276),
Right Worshipful Lin Spears (Lancaster Union Lodge No. 88),
Brother Larry Montgomery gathered at the Altar, where "a committee of 4" presented Brother Floyd,
the guest speaker for the meeting. Four of the five are State Police retirees and Brother Montgomery still actively serves with
the Department. Brother Floyd then spoke on Masonry in the Civil War.
Supporting Kempsville High School Football - September 8, 2017
Photo courtesy of David Trzeciakiewicz
left to right: Worshipful Greg Muir, John Settle, III,
David Trzeciakiewicz,
Scott Sherman
Family Picnic - September 9, 2017

Brother Dunn and Worshipful Bill Nelligar providing entertainment
at the 2017 Family Picnic

Worshipful Bill Neilligar takes the stage.
Senior Warden Night - September 12, 2017

Brother Chris Anders receives his Warden's Certificate during the Senior Warden's Night
Stated Communication.
Fall Past Master's Night - September 26, 2017
19 Past Masters and Affiliated Past Masters attend the Fall Past Masters' Night.
left to right:
- Ricky West
- Roger Cort
- Paul Pennybacker
- Chris Jaeger
- Bill Knowles
- Joe Thornton
- Tommy Haste
- Harold Campbell
- Ray Hall
- Bill Nelligar
- Monte Howell
- Bob Stanek
- Bill Rawson
- Tom McGowan
- Steve Ridgeway
- Scott Foxwell
- George Fausel
- Jerry Hallal
- Frank Creasy
14 Kempsville Past Masters attend the Fall Past Masters' Night.
left to right:
- Roger Cort
- Joe Thornton
- Bill Knowles
- Scott Foxwell
- Tommy Haste
- Ray Hall
- Bill Nelligar
- Monte Howell
- Bob Stanek
- Tom McGowan
- Bill Rawson
- Steve Ridgeway
- Jerry Hallal
- Frank Creasy
Brother Terry Whitehurst - 25 Year Veteran
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Brother Terry Whitehurst receives his 25 Year Veteran's Award at the October 10, 2017 Stated Communication.
left to right: Worshipful Greg Muir, Brother Terry Whitehurst, Right Worshipful Steve Ridgeway.
56th Masonic visit to Poqouson Lodge No. 49 - March 13, 2017
Blankenship Raising - November 7, 2017
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
The “Brethren-brothers” Blankenship (Mike in center and Pat on right) will now sit in Lodge together.
Pictured with Brother Chris Anders, Senior Warden, after Mike’s Raising.
Whitehead 50 Year Presentation

Brother Whitehead receiving 50 Year Veteran' Awward from members of Franklin Lodge No. 151 as courtesy.
John Settle, III - 2017 Mason of the Year
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Worshipful Greg Muir presents Brother John Settle III with the Kempsville Mason of the Year Award for 2017.
Past Master's Apron Presentation
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Worshipful Greg Muir receives his Past Master's Apron from Worshipful Chris Anders.
Lodge Of Sorrow
- Richard Donald Cedola - 12/24/2016
- Richard Miles Shibley - 02/04/2017
- Asa Elwood Sawyer - 03/06/2017
- Sherwood Lee Allen - 03/15/2017
- Alton Larkin McKeithan - 03/26/2017
- Kenneth Lancaster - 03/28/2017
- John Peyton Stublen, Jr. - 03/31/2017
- Goodwin Glassman - 06/14/2017
- Robert Merrill Shelburne - 06/21/2017
- James Boyd Seymour, Jr. - 07/21/2017
- Timothy Corey VanFossen - 07/30/2017
- Wayne Thomas Dunn - 09/16/2017
- Dennis Lee Driscol - 09/19/2017
Roster Cover