Worshipful William T. Peterson
- Initiated: 5/1/2007, Passed: 6/2/2007, Raised: 7/3/2007
- Member, Norfolk United Royal Arch No. 1: 2008
- Member, Princess Anne Royal Arch No. 1607: 2008
- Member, Norfolk Valley Scottish Rite: 2008
- Member, Khedive Shrine: 2009
- Life Member in Perpetuity (K'ville 196): 2011
- Member, Grice Commandry No. 16: 2011
- Recipient, Outstanding Worshipful Master: 2012
- Recipient, James Noah Hillman Award: 2012
- Recipient, Dr. Seymour Jonas Levy Award: 2012
- Continued on 2015...
Lodge Officers
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
left to right
- Greg Muir - Chaplain
- Scott Foxwell - Junior Deacon
- Christopher Anders - Senior Steward
- Jerry Hallal - Senior Warden
- Bob Lankford - Tiler
- William Peterson - Worshipful Master
- Bob Stanek - Secretary
- Steve Ridgeway - Junior Warden
- Robert Johns - Marshal
- John Preddy - Senior Deacon
Not shown: Bill Nelligar - Treasurer
Installation of Officers - December 17, 2011

left to right
- Jerry Hallal - Senior Warden
- Bill Rawson (proxy for Bill Nelligar) - Treasurer
- Bill Peterson - Worshipful Master
- Scott Foxwell - Junior Deacon
- Greg Muir - Marshal
- Joe Salt (proxy for Steve Ridgeway) - Junior Warden
- Robert Johns - Marshal
- Bob Stanek - Secretary
- John Preddy - Senior Deacon
- Christopher Anders - Senior Steward
- Bob Lankford - Tiler

The Installing Officers, left to right:
- Worshipful Bill Nolan - Installing Chaplain
- Worshipful Ralph Ward - Assistant Installing Marshal
- Right Worshipful Tom McGowan - Installing Officer
- Worshipful Ray Hall - Installing Marshal
- Worshipful Ray Connard - Installing Secretary

The newly installed Worshipful Master.
Photos courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Worshipful Ray Hall making the Proclamation

They make such a nice couple!
Worshipful Master's Pin
Brother Joe Smith's 108th Birthday Celebration - January 14, 2012

The Grand Master, local Worshipful Masters, and Brother Joe Smith
left to right:
- Worshipful Chip Winston - Willis V. Fentress Lodge No. 296
- Worshipful Bill Peterson - Kempsville Lodge No. 196
- Worshipful Troy Hutcheson - Bayside Lodge No. 218
- Worshipful Bill Gurley - Virginia Beach Lodge No. 274
- Brother Joe Smith
- Most Worshipful William T. Ellison, Jr. - Grand Master
- Worshipful Jerry Anderson - Lynnhaven Lodge No. 220

Local Worshipful Masters, the District Deputy Grand Master, and Brother Joe Smith
left to right:
- Worshipful Bill Gurley - Virginia Beach Lodge No. 274
- Worshipful Troy Hutcheson - Bayside Lodge No. 218
- Brother Joe Smith
- Worshipful Bill Peterson - Kempsville Lodge No. 196
- Worshipful Chip Winston - Willis V. Fentress No. 296
- Worshipful Jerry Anderson - Lynnhaven Lodge No. 220
- Right Worshipful Alfredo Cruz Lintag - District Deputy Grand Master, 56th Masonic District

you're never too old to take a little ride on a nice motorcycle!

Brother Joe Smith with the Grand Master, Most Worshipful William T. Ellison, Jr.

Brother Joe's Birthday program showing him during his younger days!

Proclamation making January 14, 2012 "Joseph Smith Day" in Virginia Beach.
Three Generations of "Corts" - February 12, 2012

Right Worshipful Roger Cort, his son Greg, and his grandson, Taylor, at Mount Herman Lodge in Ashville Lodge No. 118
in Asheville, NC following Brother Taylor's Master Mason Degree.
Monthly Breakfast - February 25, 2012

Another great Saturday morning breakfast at the Lodge.

The serving crew dishing out the best breakfast in town.

The serving crew taking a little break:
- Worshipful Steve Ridgeway
- Brother Phil Ketsdever (from Yokosuka Lodge Lodge No. 20)
- Brother Tom Beverly
- Brother Jim Domby
Photos courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Brother Hank Foiles fixing his famous pancakes.
Worshipful Don Meyer donates his Potentate's Fez

Worshipful Don Meyer donates his Potentate's Fez to the Lodgeat the Marrch 12, 2012 Stated Commmunication.
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Fraternal Visit to Schofield Lodge

Worshipful Bob Stanek, while visiting Schofield Lodge No. 443, F. & A.M.,
Wahiawa, HI, at their March Stated, presented Worshipful Peterson's 2012 pin
to the Master and officers there. In return, this pin, commemorating
Schofield Lodge's upcoming 100th anniversary, was returned to
Worshipful Peterson and presented at our April Stated.
Past Masters Night - March 27, 2012
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bill Peterson
24 Past Masters attend the Spring Past Masters Night.
left to right:
- Bill Rawson - 2010
- Ray Connard - 2002
- Jimmie Wilder - 1986
- Joe Thornton - 1984
- Ralph Ward - 1987
- Marvin Spruill - 1978 (Saint Johns Lodge No. 1P, Rhode Island)
- Chris Jaeger - 1966 (Tilden Lodge No. 183, New Jersey)
- Charley Osargos - 1995 (Naomi Lodge No. 87)
- Tom McGowan - 1983
- Ray Hall - 1988
- Paul Pennybacker - 1998 (Norfolk No. 1)
- Don Meyer - 1992
- Bill Nelligar - 2003
- David Weast - 1992 (Claude H. Morrison Lodge No. 747, California)
- Bob Stanek - 1996
- Bob Lockwood - 1984 (Oceanview No. 335)
- Tommy Haste - 1970
- Don Robinson - 2000
- Claude Watkins - 1998
- Steve Ridgeway - 1982 (Dorchester No. 369, South Carolina)
- Mike Lombardo - 1974
- Michael Johnstone - 2011
- Bob Jones - 1975 (Copestone-Ophir Lodge No. 108, Kearny, NJ)
- Roger Cort (not shown) - 2007
Flamingo Invasion
Photos courtesy of Bethel 42
Our Senior Warden, Brother Jerry Hallal, wakes up to a flock of flamingos - courtesy of Worshipful Bill Peterson and Bethel 42.
Brother Hank Foiles Speaks at April Stated Communication

Brother Hank Foiles prepares to cut the cake following his presentation at the April Stated Communication.
Brother Hank entertained the Brethren with stories about his professional baseball career and the friendships
that developed due to his Masonic membership.
Photos courtesy of Worshipful Bill Peterson
Cake prepared by Brother Russ Bradshaw of Willis V. Fentress Lodge No. 296
Brother Joe Smith Visit - April 29
Photos courtesy of Worshipful Bill Peterson
Brother Joe Salt Receives 50 Year Veteran's Award
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Brother Joe Salt, accompanied by his lady, Shirley, receives his 50 Year Veteran's Award from
Right Worshipful Tom McGowan at the May 8, 2012 Stated Communication.
Pungo Strawberry Festival - May 26/27
Photos courtesy of Worshipful Bill Peterson
Scholarship Presentation - June 11th
Photos courtesy of Worshipful Bill Peterson
Eagle Scout - June 12th
Photos courtesy of Worshipful Bill Peterson
Baseball Night at Harbor Park - June 19th
Photos courtesy of Worshipful Bill Peterson
Photos courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Visting the Secreatary "Emeritus" - July 30th
Photos courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Brother Hank Foiles, Worshipfuls Bob Stanek and Joe Thornton, and Right Worshipful Tom McGowan
take a trip to the Masonic Home to visit Right Worshipful Bill Pierce on his birthday.
Armed Forces Night - July 31st
left to right:
- Bob Metz
- Greg Muir
- Worshipful Bill Peterson
- John Martin
- Candidate - Joseph R. Lievre
- Rob Worthington
- Justin Gray
- Worshipful David Weast
- Worshipful Ken Chord
- Right Worshipful Roger Cort
- Joe Salt
Photos courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
left to right:
- Bob Metz
- Dave Borntrager
- Greg Muir
- Worshipful Bill Peterson
- John Martin
- Candidate - Joseph R. Lievre
- Rob Worthington
- Tom England
- Justin Gray
- David Weast
- Worshipful Ken Chord
- Right Worshipful Roger Cort
- Joe Salt
- Ray Baez, Jr.
- Ray Baez, Sr.
Community Builders Award
Photos courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
Worshipful Bill Peterson presents Mrs. Erin Highton and Miss Alicia Peterson (of Providence Road
Elementary School) with the 2012 Community Builders Award.
Edmonds Lodge No. 165 Presentation
Photos courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Visiting Past Master from Edmonds Lodge No. 165 (Washington State) presents Worshipful Bill Peterson
with commerative coins from their 2008 Centennial and 2011 Installation of Officers.
Past Masters Night - September 25, 2012
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bill Peterson
30 Past Masters attend the Fall Past Masters Night.
left to right:
- Tom McGowan - 1983
- Gene Lejeune - 1997
- Michael Johnstone - 2011
- Bob Lockwood - 1984 (Oceanview No. 335)
- Jerry Hase - 1994 (Charles T. Morton No. 232)
- Ray Hall - 1988
- Paul Pennybacker - 1998 (Norfolk No. 1)
- Tommy Haste - 1970
- Jim Gardner - 1989
- Chris Jaeger - 1966 (Tilden No. 183, New Jersey)
- Ralph Ward - 1987
- Joe Thornton - 1984
- Bill Knowles - 1982
- Denny Harrison - 1993
- Steve Ridgeway - 1982 (Dorchester No. 369, South Carolina)
- Jimmie Wilder - 1986
- George Fausel - 1989 (Atlantic No. 2)
- Mike Lombardo - 1974
- Bob Stanek - 1996
- Monte Howell - 1978
- Prentice Tuck - 2004
- Bill Rawson - 2010
- Joe Posey - 1986 (Elizabeth No. 34)
- Emmett "Buddy" Pate - 2005
- Don Meyer - 1992
- David Weast - 1992 (Claude H. Morrison Lodge No. 747, California)
- Bill Nelligar - 2003
- Roger Cort - 2007
- Bill Nolan - 1994
- Ejnar Jorgenson (not shown) - 1979
DDGM Homecoming for Right Worshipful Don Meyer - November 13, 2012
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Buddy Pate
Right Worshipful Don Meyer addresses the lodge following the "Homecoming Ceremony" conducted at the November Stated Communication.
25 Year Veteran Award for Brother Don Howard - November 13, 2012

Right Worshipful Tom McGowan presents Brother Don Howard with his 25 Year Veteran's Award.
Photos courtesy of Right Worshipful Buddy Pate
50 Year Veteran Award for Brother Ray Rowley - November 13, 2012

Right Worshipful Don Meyer presents Brother Ray Rowley with his 50 Year Veteran's Award,
certificate, and permanent dues card.
Photos courtesy of Right Worshipful Buddy Pate
Brother Ray Rowley shown with three of the Brethren for whom he signed petitions.
left to right:
- Worshipful Ralph Ward - Worshipful Master of Kempsville Lodge in 1987
- Brother Ray Rowley
- Right Worshipful Don Meyer - Worshipful Master of Kempsville Lodge in 1992, Potentate of Khedive Shrine in 2011,
District Deputy Grand Master of the 56th District in 2013
- Worshipful Ray Hall - Worshipful Master of Kempsville Lodge in 1988, Potentate of Khedive Shrine in 2005.
Worshipful Bill Peterson Receives Outstanding Achievement Award - November 13, 2012
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Buddy Pate
Right Worshipful Don Meyer presents Worshipful Bill Peterson with the Grand Master's Outstanding Achievement Award
for his service to the lodge during his year as Worshipful Master.
Right Worshipful Don Meyer's New Apron - November 13, 2012
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Buddy Pate
Right Worshipful Don Meyer receives a new "apron" from Right Worshipful Tom McGowan in appreciation
for his long-time support of Kempsville's "Bull Roast".
Mason of the Year - December 11, 2012
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Michael Johnstone
Brother Greg Cort receives the 2012 "Mason of the Year" Award at the 2012 Annual Stated Communication.
Lodge Of Sorrow
- Gerald Edward Monahan - 01/11/2012
- Ronald Lee Stukey - 02/02/2012
- Gordon William Moffat - 05/08/2012
- John Sylvester Ward - 05/14/2012
- Burton Harry Jones - 06/11/2012
- Joseph Edward Smith - 08/07/2012
- Harold D. Nix - 09/28/2012
- William Curtis Twiford - 10/12/2012
- Alfred Lee Van Horne - 11/05/2012
- Frank Baltzell Nickerson - 11/25/2012
Roster Cover