Worshipful William Harold Rawson
- Initiated: 8/23/2004, Passed: 10/5/2004, Raised: 11/16/2004
- Recipient, William Hollowell Pierce Mason of the Year Award: 2005
- Recipient, James Noah Hillman Award: 2010
- District Funeral Committee Chairman: 2017
- Lodge Education Officer, Kempsville Lodge No. 196: 2018
Lodge Officers
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
left to right
- Robert Johns - Musician
- Steve Ridgeway - Senior Deacon
- Dave Borntrager - Marshal
- Michael Johnstone - Senior Warden
- Jack Bell - Senior Steward
- Bob Lankford - Tiler
- Bill Rawson - Worshipful Master
- Bill Nelligar - Treasurer
- Bill Peterson - Junior Warden
- Bob Stanek - Secretary
- Jerry Hallal - Junior Deacon
- John Preddy - Chaplain
Installation of Officers - December 12, 2009
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
left to right
- Duane Johnstone (proxy for Michael Johnstone) - Senior Warden
- Bill Nelligar - Treasurer
- Bill Rawson - Worshipful Master
- Jerry Hallal - Junior Deacon
- John Preddy - Chaplain
- Bill Peterson - Junior Warden
- Robert Johns - Musician
- Bob Stanek - Secretary
- Bob Lankford - Tiler
- Ray Connard (proxy for Steve Ridgeway) - Senior Deacon
- Jack Bell - Senior Steward
- Dave Borntrager - Marshal
Worshipful Master's Gift and Grand Master's Pin

Worshipful Master's gift to the Birthday Brethren

Grand Master's Pin
Bay Branch Lodge No. 575 Anniversary Coin

Bay Branch Lodge No. 575 Centennial Anniversary coin presented to the Lodge by
Worshipful Todd Nims on January 5, 2010.
Grand Master's Official District Visit - January 16, 2010
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Dennis Edwards
left to right
- Worshipful Roger Cort - Worshipful Master, Bayside Lodge No. 218
- Worshipful Al DiLorenzon - Worshipful Master, Virginia Beach Lodge No. 274
- Worshipful Robert Braswell - Worshipful Master, Princess Anne Lodge No. 25
- Most Worshipful William Earle Rorer - Grand Master of Masons in Virginia
- Right Worshipful Dennis Edwards - District Deputy Grand Master, 56th District
- Worshipful Bill Rawson - Worshipful Master, Kempsville Lodge No. 196
- Worshipful Jim Wagner - Worshipful Master, Lynnhaven Lodge No. 220
- Worshipful Charles Dabucon - Worshipful Master, Willis V. Fentress Lodge No. 296
Special Presentation - March 2, 2010
Photo courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek
While visiting Willis V. Fentress No. 296, our Tiler, Bob Lankford, received
his replacement "one-of-a-kind" Grand Master's lapel pin and
25 Year Veteran's "medallion" from our gracious and so-cooperative
DDGM, Right Worshipful Dennis Edwards.
Past Masters Night - March 30, 2010
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
left to right
- Don Meyer - 1992
- Bobby Spruill - 1991
- Don Robinson - 2000
- Tom McGowan - 1983
- Joe Thornton - 1984
- Marvin Spruill - 1967 (Norfolk No. 1)
- Emmett "Buddy" Pate - 2005
- Bill Nelligar - 2003
- Steve Ridgeway - 1982 (Dortchester No. 369, South Carolina)
- Denny Harrison - 1993
- Ejnar Jorgensen - 1979
- Bill Knowles - 1982
- Shawn Garfield - 2006
- Monte Howell - 1978
- Bob Lockwood - 1984 (Oceanview No. 335)
- Jimmie Wilder - 1986
- Chris Jaeger - 1966 (Tilden No. 183, New Jersey)
- Bob Stanek - 1996
- Ralph Ward - 1987
- Adam Green - 2008
- Bill Nolan - 1994
- Ray Hall - 1988
- Mike Lombardo - 1974
- Roger Cort - 2007
- Ray Connard - 2002
- Orlando Bitanga - 2002, 2004 (Yokosuka No 20, Japan)
- Charlie Osargos - 1995 (Naomi Lodge No. 87)
- David Weast - 1992 (Claude H. Morrison Lodge No. 747, California)
- Tommy Haste - 1970
60 Year Veteran Presentations - April 13, 2010
Photo Courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Brother Alton McKeithan and Brother Warren Massey receive their 60 Year Veterans Award
from Right Worshipful Tom McGowan.
Armed Forces Night - April 27, 2010
Photo Courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
38 active and retired military Brethren attend Kempsville's 7th Annual
Armed Forces Night.
left to right
- Bill Peterson
- Bob Lockwood
- Roger Cort
- Marvin Beecham
- Jim Gardner
- Seth Miles
- Paul Anderson
- Dave Borntrager
- Bob Davis
- Patrick Bryant
- Joe Salt
- Dennis DiMaggio
- Floyd Gilbert
- Gary Grove
- Tom McGowan
- Ray Baez
- Adam Green
- George Fausel
- Greg Muir
- Ejnar Jorgensen
- Steve Ridgeway
- Bob Jones
- Matt Steele
- Orlando Bitanga
- Paul Regino
- Harold Noyes
- Matt Zardeskas
- Ken Chord
- Dave Valez
- Jack Spratt
- Mike Lombardo
- Ed Brown
- Jack Holland
- Bill Rawson
- Charles Stuppard
- Chip Mielkey
- Dave Weast
- Dennis Edwards
Photo Courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Degree Team, left to right
- Paul Anderson (Treasurer)
- Joe Salt (Senior Deacon)
- Seth Miles (Charge)
- Adam Green (Senior Warden)
- Dave Borntrager (Conductor)
- Bill Peterson (Worshipful Master)
- Greg Muir (Candidate)
- Matt Zardeskas (Junior Warden)
- Paul Regino (Secretary)
- Orlando Bitanga (Junior Deacon)
- Ken Chord (Lecture)
- Dave Valez (Chaplain)
Traveling Gavels - June 1, 2010
Photo Courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Kempsville Lodge took 21 Brethren to Willis V. Fentress' June Stated
Communication and retrieved both the District and State Traveling
Gavels. The State Gavel (shown on the right) has been moving
throughout Virginia for over 30 years. In 2008 it briefly crossed the
border and spent some time at Hall Lodge in Shawboro, NC.
It was last housed at Kempsville back in 1976 when the Brethren retrieved it from
Great Bridge Lodge. It's first visit to our Lodge occurred in 1974 when
Kempsville took 14 Brethren and retrieved it from Willis V. Fentress.
Its stay, however, was short-lived as four days
later, Corinthian Lodge brought 39 Brethren to Kempsville and
took the gavel back to Norfolk.
The State Gavel's most recent stay at Kempsville Lodge was just as brief. Twenty
Brethren from Owens Lodge attended our June Stated Communication and took the
gavel back to Norfolk.
Eagle Scout Award - June 8, 2010
Photo Courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
Brother Michael Johnstone presents the Grand Lodge of Virginia Eagle Scout
Award to a deserving young Scout.
Bill Erekson 60 Year Veteran Presentation - June 8, 2010
Photo Courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
left to right
- Right Worshipful Tom McGowan
- Brother Bill Erekson
- Worshipful Jesse Hughes
Right Worshipful Bill Pierce's 90th Birthday - July 30, 2010

Surprising the "Handsome One" at the Masonic Home

No meal would be complete without a "Nutty Buddy"
Photos Courtesy of Worshipful Bill Nolan
Jackson Lodge Lodge No. 146 Visits Kempsville
28 Brethren and their ladies from Jackson Lodge No. 146 (Seymour, Indiana)
visit Kempsville's September 14th Stated Communication.
Worshipful Jack Reihl presented the lodge with a
beautiful pen set, a hand made plaque, and a silver coin denoting
their 150th anniversary.
Photo Courtesy of Worshipful Adam Green
Past Masters Night - September 28, 2010
Photo courtesy of Brother Michael Johnstone
left to right
- Bob Lockwood - 1984 (Oceanview No. 335)
- Bobby Spruill - 1991
- Emmett "Buddy" Pate - 2005
- George Fausel - 2009 (Atlantic No. 2)
- Ray Hall - 1988
- Joe Thornton - 1984
- Bill Nelligar - 2003
- Ralph Ward - 1987
- Ejnar Jorgensen - 1979
- Don Meyer - 1992
- Jimmie Wilder - 1986
- Jim Gardner - 1989
- Steve Ridgeway - 1982 (Dortchester No. 369, South Carolina)
- Bill Nolan - 1994
- Roger Cort - 2007
- Charlie Osargos - 1995 (Naomi Lodge No. 87)
- Joe Posey - 1986,1997 (Elizabeth No. 34)
- Bill Knowles - 1982
- Tom McGowan - 1983
- Mike Lombardo - 1974
- Bob Stanek - 1996
- David Weast - 1992 (Claude H. Morrison Lodge No. 747, California)
- Adam Green - 2008
Lodge Of Sorrow
- Oscar Junien Quintin - 12/22/2009
- M∴W∴ Arthur Richmond Cole, Jr. - 02/26/2010
- Ernest Aubrey Graham, Sr. - 03/31/2010
- Carl Ray Weast - 06/02/2010
- Albert Lindsey Creef, Sr. - 06/18/2010
- Gary Kent Krause - 06/19/2010
- John Washington Hamilton - 08/19/2010
- W∴ Elwood Marvin Grant - 09/18/2010
- Montague Jones, Jr. - 10/22/2010
- Tee Brumley Smith - 12/11/2010
Roster Cover
Courtesy of Worshipful Bob Stanek