Worshipful Prentice G. Tuck, Jr.
- Initiated: 9/15/1998, Passed: 10/27/1998, Raised: 11/23/1998
- Member, Norfolk Scottish Rite: 2000
- Member, Khedive Shrine: 2002
- Recipient, James Noah Hillman Award: 2004
- Recipient, Dr. Seymour Jonas Levy Award: 2004
Ye Olde Brits at the Beach - May 22, 2004

Invitation to attend "Ye Olde Brits at the Beach" Night at
Kempsville Lodge. Organized by Princess Anne Royal Arch Chapter.

Commemorative Stein given to attendees

left to right
- Bruce Van Buren
- Ralph Jones
- Cliff Atkinson
- Tom Reese
- Andy Roberts
- Al Torres
- Eloy Feliciano
- Ray Brogan, Jr.
- Clyde Perry
- Prentice Tuck
- Morris White

left to right
- Ralph Jones
- Bruce Van Buren
- Prentice Tuck
- Ray Brogan, Jr.
- Al Torres
- Cliff Atkinson
- Clyde Perry
- Morris White
- Andy Roberts

left to right
- Clyde Perry
- Andy Roberts
- Cliff Atkinson
- Prentice Tuck
- Al Torres
- Ray Brogan
- Morris White
- Ralph Jones (behind Morris White)
Photos courtesy of Bruce Van Buren
1st Annual Navy Night - June 1, 2004
Photo courtesy of Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate
The regular officers of Kempsville Lodge "abandon ship" and turn over
the helm to a fine looking group of active Navy Sailors.
left to right
- Brian Parton - Junior Steward
- Chris Rodriguez - Chaplain
- Jaime Cabeza - Senior Warden
- Mike Golden - Senior Deacon
- David Silvey - Candidate
- Jim Sheppard - Junior Deacon
- John Caole - Worshipful Master
- Fred Ferguson - Junior Warden
- Gerry Yumul - Tiler
- Walt Gray - Senior Steward

Fall 2004 Masonic Herald Article describing Kempsville
Masonic Lodge Navy Night.
Lodge Of Sorrow
- James Edward Cross, Jr. - 12/19/2003
- Guy Wilson Nolan - 12/25/2003
- Edwin Ray Forlines, Sr. - 02/18/2004
- Jack Lee Slagle - 03/31/2004
- Esaw Davis - 05/14/2004
- Charles Harley O'Brien - 06/14/2004
- R∴W∴ Vernon Bernell Benjaminson - 06/15/2004
- Raymond Linwood Stanworth, III - 06/24/2004
- Thomas Marvin Moore - 08/18/2004
- Harvey Ceria Joiner - 10/27/2004
Roster Cover
Courtesy of Worshipful Joe Thornton