English Masonic Watch Fob

English Opening Ball or Orb Masonic Watch Fob. Measures approximately 3/4 inches in diameter when closed.

Measures approximate 1 3/4 inches by 1 1/4 inches when open.
Provided by Right Worshipful Bill Knowles.
Antique Masonic Spinning Key Fob

Antique Masonic Spinning Key Fob.
Provided by Worshipful Joe Thornton.
Antique Watch Fob

The watch fob was first worn by Brother Greg Muir's Great Grandfather, Worshipful
Charles W. Cooling of Cecil Lodge 125 in Chesapeake City, Maryland and was then
given to his Grandfather, Worshipful Roland A. Cooling (also of Cecil Lodge No. 125).
It was passed to Brother Greg by his Aunt, Ruth Ellis, who was a member of
the Cecil Jobs Daughters.
Key Rings with Light

Jack Lewis, DDGM, 2014

Lynnhaven Lodge No. 220, 2013

Spreading Masonic Light
Miscellaneous Key Rings and Fobs

Bayside Lodge No. 218, 2003

Bayside Lodge No. 218, 1992

George Washington Masonic National Memorial. Provided by Right Worshipful Bill Knowles.

Yokosuka Lodge No. 20, Yokosuka, Japan. Provided by Worshipful Steve Ridgeway.

Commemorating the 300th Anniversary of the Holy Bible on which George Washington was initiated as an
Entered Apprentice. Provided by Worshipful Joe Thornton

Willis V. Fentress Lodge No. 296

Lynnhaven Lodge No.220, 2002

Lynnhaven Lodge No.220, 2004

Sandston Lodge No. 216, 50th Anniversary.
Provided by Worshipful Bob Stanek.
Hand carved wooden key fobs given to Worshipful Steve Ridgeway
Past Masters "Knife and Fork Degree"

Past Master's "Knife and Fork" Degree.
Provided by Worshipful Steve Ridgeway.
Working Tools

Working Tools.
Provided by Worshipful Bob Stanek.
Miscellaneous Tie Clasps

Rainbow Girls DAD. Provided by Worshipful Steve Ridgeway.

Square and Compasses. Provided by Worshipful Steve Ridgeway.

Past Master. Provided by Worshipful Michael Johnston
George Washington Masonic Knife

Gift presented to the incoming 2022 Worshipful Masters of the 56th Masonic District
as well as the outgoing (2020-2021) District Deputy Grand Master by Right Worshipful
Bob Stanek in December of 2021.
Provided by Right Worshipful Bob Stanek
Grand Lodge of Scotland Cufflinks

Provided by Right Worshipful Bob Stanek
Ceramic Tile

Provided by Right Worshipful Bob Stanek


Information Card
Scottish Rite 200th Anniversay

Scottish Rite 200th Anniversary medallion and drape celebrating 200 Years of brotherhood.
Provided by Worshipful Michael Johnstone.

Cigarette Lighter with the Masonic Square and Compasses along with the Latin inscription "In Hog Signo Vinces" meaning
"in this sign you will conquer."
Provided by Right Worshipful Don Meyer.
Acrylic Paperweights

George Washington Masonic Memorial

Square & Compasses
Masonic Trowel

Masonic Trowel presented to Right Worshipful Don Meyer in recognition of his
installation as District Deputy Grand Master for the 56th Masonic District.
Presented by Right Worshipful Bill Gurley, Worshipful Master of Virginia
Beach Lodge No. 274, on 12/12/2012.
Letter Opener

Letter opener given by Worshipful Don Meyer in 1992.
George Washington Silver Spoon

Provided by Right Worshipful Bill Knowles.
Ivory Working Tools

A tiny set of working tools, possibly made of ivory by
the Hang On Ivory Factory Products of Hong Kong.
Provided by Worshipful Joe Thornton.
Lake Drummond Lodge No. 178

Glass marble given to the Brethren of Lake Drummond Lodge No. 178 by Worshipful
Richard Smith in 2012.
Provided by Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate.
Shrine Pocket Knife

Provided by Right Worshipful Don Meyer.
Bayside Lodge No. 218

Fingernail clippers given to the Brethren by Worshipful Bill Barth of Bayside Lodge No. 218 in 1979.
Provided by Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

Letter opener and leather case given by Worshipful James Parks in 1993.
Provided by Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

Comb and plastic case.
Provided by Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate.
Dinner Plate from Lodge Miramar No. 317, New Zealand

Small plate (approximately 9 inches in diameter) from Lodge Miramar No. 317 in New Zealand.
Provided by Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate.
Commemorative Plate of Grand Lodge of New Zealand
Plate commerating the Centenary of Grand Lodge of Antient, Free and Accepted
Masons of New Zealand in 1990.
(Symbols can be enlarged by clicking on the images)
Provided by Right Worshipful Emmett "Buddy" Pate.
Masonic Dashboard Emblem

If you were a Mason in the 60's, there's a good chance you had one of
these little guys on your dashboard. They were also available for
Shriners and had a magnet on the base to hold it in place.
Provided by Worshipful Joe Thornton.